Developing Resilient Microservices with Kubernetes and Envoy

Ambassador Labs
Microservices Practitioner Articles
1 min readOct 25, 2017


Earlier this month we gave a 3 hour tutorial at the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in London. We wanted to share the slides and a summary of our talk.


Microservices are an increasingly popular approach to building cloud-native applications, and dozens of new technologies that streamline adopting microservices development, such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Envoy, have been released over the past few years. In this tutorial, we will walk you through actually using these technologies to develop, deploy, and run microservices. We discussed the evolution of the microservices stack, key things to keep in mind when adopting microservices, and how to tune and evolve your microservices architecture. This tutorial covered:

Essentials: development and deployment

  • How to get a microservice running in your Kubernetes cluster quicly
  • How to set up a development environment for your microservice, including testing and fast iteration cycles

Resilience and monitoring

  • Advanced deployment; blue-green, canary deployments in Kubernetes
  • How to deploy Lyft Envoy with your service to add observability and resilience

Adapting these techniques to your organization


